DX-WLC Model Level Controller for (220V AC) Single Phase Pumpset /Starter.

Installation of our water level controller system is not a major task and we have made the system in such a way that it is possible to install the system yourself with minimum electrical knowledge or with the help of a simple electrician. The task of installation comprises of two parts, the Power Connection and the Sensing Connection. The Power Connection is the connection between the Water Level Controller and your existing Starter with which you are presently operating the Pumpset. The Single Phase Borewells will usually have a starter with start capacitors and run capacitors inside. The starter will have voltage and current meters with ON and OFF Push Buttons on the Door of the Panel. To Control such starters the control wiring will be done only to the ON and OFF Push Buttons. Sensing Connection includes the cabling of sensing wire, i.e.,6Pair CAT 5e from the Water Level Controller to the Overhead Tank (OH Tank). After cabling, making the level sensing arrangement in the water tanks and Sensing connection of the sensing cable to the Water Level Controller.

Tools required for Installation:

  1. 6/4 Pair CAT 5e Communication cable as per requirement. Take a rough estimate of cable length from the pump control switch location to the OH Tank and again from the pump control switch to the UG Sump (for Bore well, cable is required only for the OH tank).
  2. One length of 3/4th or 1 inch dia. PVC Electrical Pipe for sensor arrangement in the tanks.
  3. Multi strand 1.5 Sq.mm. Copper Power cable of about 2 to 6 meters as per requirement.
  4. LineTester.
  5. Insulation Tape, necessary screws and wooden gattas pieces for mounting controller

    unit on the wall.

6. CuttingPliersorNosePliers.
7. Simple Hammer-Jumper set or Drill Gun to mount the Level Controller to wall or to

wooden board.

Single Phase Pump set pumping from Bore well to Overhead Tank or Underground Sump.

Sensing Cable Connection to Water Level Controller.

STEP 1. Remove the bottom cap of the Water Level Controller and identify the coloured sensing wire bunches on the bottom opening of the Unit.
STEP 2. The sensing wires comprises of two bunches of wires, one bunch of four wires(and a pair of thin wire) for sump or lower tank and another bunch of six wires for upper tank. STEP 3. Do complete sensing wiring from Water Level Controller to Overhead Tank and Water Level Controller to Underground Sump / Well.

STEP 4. To connect the sensing wires of Tank and Sump / Well, to the Water Level Controller unit, simply twist the wires to the respective wires of Water Level Controller unit in the following manner. Slide the black PVC sleeve provided over the twisted joint completely. The advantage of having loose sensing wire over the sensing terminal block is that, loose contacts are avoided and testing of the controller functions can be done easily by shorting the sensing wires of controller directly.
STEP 5. OH Tank Sensing Connection with bunch of Six wires: –

Colour of Wire in Sensing Cable

Colour of Wire in Controller




















STEP 6. As the source of water is Bore well, the sump sensing function have to be bypassed in the controller itself. To bypass the sump sensing function, Yellow wire, Black wire, Green wire and Red wire have to be just shorted and insulated with Insulation tape.

Colour of Wire in Sensing Cable

Colour of Wire in Controller









Sensor Probes Connections and Sensors Level setting in Overhead Tank.

Overhead Tank Sensing Procedure:

STEP 1. Do the 6 pair CAT 5e sensing wire cabling from the level controller to overhead tank and leave 1.5 to 2 meter extra cable near overhead tank.
STEP 2. To give the Sensing connection in the Overhead Tank, initially decide the levels at which the pump has to switch ON and switch OFF. As usual procedure, ON Level can be 50% of tank capacity and OFF Level can be 2 to 3 inches less than 100% capacity of Tank (Overflow Level).

STEP 3. Take an electrical PVC pipe of 3/4th inch or 1 inch which is commonly available. Cut the pipe about 2 inch less than the height of the tank so that pipe can be hanged vertically inside the tank.
STEP 4. Sleeve the outer grey sleeve of the sensing wire unto the height of the PVC pipe. Fix the grey portion of the wire to the top of the PVC pipe with insulation tape as with the regular insulation tape.

STEP 5. Make the loop of the sensing wire, as to hang the sensing arrangement to the top portion of the tank with the help of a hook or nail.
STEP 6. The sensing arrangement should be away from the wall of the tank and also should be away from the water falling into the tank.






STEP 7. Fix the Flow sensor to the mouth of the Delivery Pipe in the overhead tank with cable tie or insulation tape, in such a way that the pumped water will flow through that sensor. Connect the brown sensing wire to the flow sensor cable (DO not put insulation tape for this joint. It can be insulated after testing of the system, as explained later). Take precautions to see that the joint will not get inside the water when tank is full. Also make sure that Flow sensor does not touch the Delivery pipe. If there is some practical problem due to which flow sensor cannot be connected, then loop the white sensing wire to the red wire in the OH Tank bunch in Level Controller itself. This will bypass the Flow sensing function ensuring proper functionality of remaining features of automation excluding dry-run protection.

Underground Sump Sensing Procedure.(Not applicable for Bore well Pump sets.)

STEP 1. Do the 4 pair CAT 5e sensing wire cabling from the level controller to underground sump and leave 1.5 to 2 meter extra cable near underground sump.
STEP 2. To give the Sensing connection in the underground sump, initially decide the levels at which the pump has to switch ON and switch OFF. As usual procedure, ON Level can be 30% of tank capacity and OFF Level can be 4 to 5 inches above the Foot valve of the suction pipe of Pump set.

STEP 3. Take an electrical PVC pipe of 3/4th inch or 1 inch which is commonly available. Cut the pipe about 12 inches less than the height of the sump so that pipe can be hanged vertically inside the sump.
STEP 4. Sleeve the outer grey sleeve of the sensing wire unto the height of the PVC pipe. Fix the grey portion of the wire to the top of the PVC pipe with insulation tape with the regular insulation tape.

STEP 5. Make the loop of the sensing wire, to hang the sensing arrangement to the top portion of the sump with the help of a hook or nail.
STEP 6. Sleeve wires for about 3 to 4 inch, twist the sleeved wire around the sensors provided and crimp the sensors to the end of those wires Now fix the sensors at different levels of the pipe as per the levels decided, with insulation tape in the following order: –

 Set the level of Common sensor (red wire) at the bottom of the Sump.

  •   Set the level of Pump OFF sensor (yellow wire) at the bottom of the Sump at about 4 to 5 inches above Foot Valve level in the Sump.
  •   Set the level of Pump ON sensor (black wire) approximately at One Foot above the Sump medium sensor in the Sump.

    Important: The Sensing wire from the unit to OH Tank and unit to UG Sump / Well should be a one-piece wire and there should be absolutely no joints in these Sensing wires and these wires should not be damaged in any way. Unit will not operate correctly in these cases. Continuity of wire should be checked before wire is laid. This sensing wire can be put inside PVC pipe throughout for extra protection.

    Power Connection from the (220V AC) Single Phase Starter to the Water Level Controller.

    The Water Level Controller system will have four Nos. of 2 way terminal blocks for power terminations mounted as shown in the Photo for the Bore well Motor. Connecting the Level Controller to such starter is explained in steps as follows.
    STEP 1. Isolate the Main Power Supply before the Power Connection Procedure and open the door of the Starter.

    STEP 2. Identify four terminals of starter “ON Button” (i.e. 1 set of start buttons.) usually a Green Push switches mounted on the door of the starter.
    STEP 3. Identify two terminals of starter “OFF Button” usually a Red Push switches mounted on the door of the starter (some times only a push knob will be on the door and switch will be a part of the contactor block inside the panel).

    STEP 4. Identify the Power Terminal Block with sticker of connection details in Water Level Controller.
    STEP 5. Connect Phase and Neutral from the starter to the Power Input Terminals “PHASE I/P” and “NUTRL I/P”.

    STEP 6. Connect two wires from “OFF BUTTON SERIES CON.” of Level Controller to the two terminal of OFF button in series, i.e.
    STEP 6a. Remove the wire from any one of the OFF button terminal and join it with one of the “OFF BUTTON SERIES CON.” terminal and insulate it with insulation tape thoroughly.

STEP 6b. Another “OFF BUTTON SERIES CON.” terminal of the Level Controller has to be connected to stop button terminal from where wire was removed in step 6a.
STEP 7. For ON Button connection, connect four wires, i.e., two wires for “ON BUTTON-A PARALLEL CON.” terminals and two wires for “ON BUTTON-B PARALLEL CON.” terminals of 4 way terminal block of Level Controller. Connect those wires to the four terminals of ON button (i.e. Connect in parallel) without disturbing existing starter wires.

STEP 8. Now the power connection is completed. Put a layer of insulation tape on top of terminal blocks to avoid any contact of sensing cables with power terminal block.
STEP 9. Put the Auto/Manual Switch of Level Controller to Manual Mode and them switch ON the Power. Operate the ON and OFF button of the starter to Confirm that the motor is working in Manual Mode.

STEP 10. Now put the Auto/Manual Switch of Level Controller in Auto mode and check the working of the system as follows.

Power Connection from the (220V AC) Single Phase Starter / MCB / DP Switch to the Water Level Controller.

STEP 1. Isolate the Main Power Supply before the Power Connection Procedure and

remove the top cover of Starter or Switch.
STEP 2. Identify Phase & Neutral wire in the Starter with “LINE TESTER” after switching ON the power supply.

STEP 3. Now switch OFF the Mains and remove the output terminals of the starter or DP

switch, i.e. Phase and Neutral terminals.
STEP 4. Identify the Power Terminal Block with sticker of connection details in Water Level

STEP 5. Connect Phase and Neutral Output terminals of starter to the power input terminals “PHASE I/P” and “NUTRL I/P” of Water Level Controller
STEP 6. Connect the removed motor wires to Output Terminal “PHASE O/P” and “NUTRL O/P” of Water Level Controller
STEP 7. Now the power connection is completed. Put a layer of insulation tape on top of

terminal blocks for electrical safety.
STEP 8. Put the Auto/Manual Switch of Level Controller to Manual Mode, switch ON the

Mains to Confirm that the motor in working in Manual Mode.
STEP 9. Now put the Auto/Manual Switch of Level Controller to Auto Mode. “Power ON” LED should glow. “Voltage Fault” LED will glow for about 8 Sec. and will Switch OFF if the

input voltage is proper. Sometimes if the water level is less in OH tank, Pump may switch ON.

Testing of Complete Automatic System.

Keep the delay wires (thin wires) open before testing procedure. Now switch ON the level

controller in Automatic Mode.

OH Tank testing procedure:

STEP 1. Immerse all three UG sump sensing probes inside the UG sump water.

STEP 2. Then start testing the OH Tank function. This can be done by immersing and lifting of the sensor arrangement in the OH Tank water.

STEP 3. In OH Tank, lift slowly both Pump ON sensor and Pump OFF sensor above water level. Now the pump should start pumping.
STEP 4. Now immerse only Pump ON sensor inside the water, now pump should continue

to pump.

STEP 5. Now immerse Pump OFF sensor also inside the water, now pump should switch OFF immediately.

STEP 6. Now lift only Pump OFF sensor from the water, Pump should remain OFF.
STEP 7. Now also lift Pump ON sensor from the water, now Pump should switch ON again.

STEP 8. Repeat the steps from STEP 4 to STEP 7 for four to five times to ensure the correct operations.
STEP 9. To test the flow sensor, remove the joint of flow sensor to brown wire, keep the brown wire outside water and lift both ON and OFF sensor probes from the water to switch

ON the pump.
STEP 10. Now wait for 2 minutes to find that pump gets automatically switched OFF and check that level controller will be showing “Dry Run” indication.

STEP 11. Now OH Tank testing is completed. Connect back the brown wire to flow sensor and now insulate it with the insulation tape.

UG Sump testing procedure: (In case of Borewell, follow only STEP 8 and STEP 9.)

STEP 1. Keep the OH Tank ON and OFF sensors above the water, now the pump will

switch ON.

STEP 2. In UG sump, slowly lift the Pump ON sensor (topmost sensor) above the water, the

pump should remain ON.
STEP 3. Again slowly lift the Pump OFF sensor also, above the water, now pump should get switched OFF immediately.

STEP 4. Now slowly dip the Pump OFF sensor inside the water, now the Pump should remain OFF.
STEP 5. Again slowly dip the Pump ON sensor also inside the water, now the Pump should

switch ON.

STEP 6. Repeat the steps from STEP 2 to STEP 5 for four to five times to ensure the correct operations.

STEP 7. Now UG sump testing is completed. Suspend both UG sump and OH tank sensing arrangements in proper position and tie it to ensure the same.

STEP 8. Now short the two delay wires and insert it inside the sleeve firmly. This will introduce a 15 second delay for all ON operation.
STEP 9. As a final step close the bottom cap of level controller after neatly placing all the

wires inside and put the screw tightly.